Saturday, August 9, 2014

How to Cook Healthy Food For Kids : Coconut Cranberry Quinoa - Take a Vacation From Your Breakfast Routine


I have a bad habit of always ordering the same thing when I go out to a restaurant.  I tend to stick with my favorite dishes rather than try something new.

When it comes to home cooking, I also have a tendency to repeat the same dishes that I have grown accustomed to cooking.  To a certain extent, we all develop these habits because it just takes less mental energy to come up with a new dish or to try something novel.

One way to get out of the rut of doing the same routine day in and day out is to take a vacation.  We recently went on a relaxing vacation to a club med resort in St. Port Lucie, Florida.  What made this vacation particularly relaxing for me was the fact that Cassie planned the whole thing. 

While Colin and Cailya spent their days at the mini club, I boned up on my tennis skills and Cassie learned to get scolded in novel ways by the aerobics instructor.  Everyday, we were treated to an endless variety of culinary delights.  Not only was I introduced to new foods like fois gras and chocolate bread, but I learned that Cailya loves herself some oatmeal and Colin loves himself some roasted chicken.

Why not take a vacation from the same old foods you always serve yourself and your kids? Try this delicious coconut cranberry quinoa inspired by our recent vacation:

You can find the recipe at the following link:

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