Friday, August 1, 2014

How to Cook Healthy Food for Kids : Stuck on a dessert island?

Do you ever feel like you are stuck on a desert island?  Sometimes I feel that way when writing posts for my blog.  Each post is like a message that I carefully put into a glass bottle, put out to sea, and watch drift away.  All the while, I wonder to myself, "Is anyone out there?"

You and your kids may feel as if you are trapped on a different sort of island...a dessert island if you will.  Healthy options for desserts are few and far between.  Not only do most desserts have toxic amounts of added sugars, but many are additionally made out of highly processed grain flour.  That's like spiking your vodka with bourbon, except this lethal ingestion will spike your blood sugar levels. 

But you don't have to be stuck on a dessert island!  You can have your cake and eat it too.  Instead of accepting desserts made out of processed grain flour, why not experiment with healthier flours?  I have recently learned about flours made from beans like chickpeas, or nuts like almond meal.  Check out this video called, "Coligan's Isle" and learn how to make a grain-free carrot muffin from almond meal and coconut flour:

Here is the link to the recipe featured in the video above:


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