Sunday, February 9, 2014

How to Cook a Romantic Meal

Cassie is the first and only girl I ever dated.  We met at an event held by the Taiwanese American Student Club at Northwestern University.  She made an immediate impression on me and I eventually worked up the courage to ask her out.  Our first date was at a casual cafe on campus that served Korean food, called J.K. Sweets.  We've been eating meals together ever since.

If I could describe Cassie in one word it would be, "easy".  Wait, that didn't come out right.  What I mean is, being with Cassie has always felt so comfortable and that shirt you put on that fits just right.  Ever since the first day we met, there has always been an easiness between us.  As our friend Sandra puts it, "Cassie and I just get one another."

As another friend Noriko puts it, "Chris is such a lucky guy."  Indeed.  Cassie has always been there to prop me up when I am down, calm me down when I am upset, and encourage me when I am lost.  She has a smile that disarms me, a laugh that charms me, and a wit that alarms me.  She augments my strengths and compensates for my weaknesses.

Her companionship and partnership have taken on a whole new meaning ever since we had kids.  Because, there's nothing easy about kids.  Now, more than ever, I am grateful to have the accompaniment of the love of my life by my side.  For this Valentine's day, I'm giving Cassie my heart and my soul on a plate!

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The recipe for this ridiculously delicious dish can be found at the following link:

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