Saturday, February 1, 2014

How to Cook Healthy Food for Kids : Black Bean Hummus Recipe

My life was empty.  My life was meaningless.  And then I found something that brought meaning and direction to my hapless life.  Fantasy football.  At first, I was just humoring my friend Manuank when he asked me to join his fantasy football league.  But then...I discovered the fantasy life.

Fantasy football took me away from the dreariness of day to day life and helped give me focus and purpose.  I was all about discovering sleepers and finding the next great stud.   (In any other context, that might have sounded weird). 

But this fantasy life had its downsides.  Sure, touchdowns and wins meant excessive celebration.  But injuries, Monday nights, and crushing losses meant irritable bowel syndrome and severe depression.  And at a certain point, my fantasy hobby became an out and out obsession.  And when it became an unhealthy obsession, I had to call it quits.

Nonetheless, fantasy football did give me a unique appreciation for the game of football.  While I no longer play fantasy football, I am still a fan of football.  This week's post features a special Superbowl dip and is dedicated to all those fantasy football fans out there.  To read about why beans are so healthy, check out my previous post:

Now, who's ready for some football?

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Here is the link to the black bean hummus dip featured in the above video:

For an added kick, I added one tablespoon of soy sauce into the dip.  I used white cannellini beans to make the stitching of the football. 

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