Sunday, May 8, 2016

How to Make a Grain Free Gluten Free Bagel for Kids and Mommy on Mother's Day

'Twas the morning of Mother's Day, and all through the house
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
 Mama was nestled all snug in her bed,
while daddy arose with his sleep sleepy head.

He woke the kids up; their hairs he did brush,
Then quietly they went in a hush and a rush.

Down to the Kitchen, with a sneak and a creep
"Quiet!" dad said, "Mommy's trying to sleep!" 

When out from the kitchen arose such a clatter,
The mixer, the bowls, the batter, the splatter!

Now Crying, Now Yelling, Now Colin, now Cailya!

She pinched me, he hit me, Now what's the mattah?

 We made up our dough then formed into rings

Then sprinkled them with everything.

Into the oven we popped them one by one.

After 20 minutes our bagels were done!

We sliced them and then, cheese and lox we did spread,
then hurried mom's breakfast up to her bed.

Mom's favorite, lox and bagels, of course gluten free!
A mother's day breakfast fit for our favorite Mommy!

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