Saturday, March 12, 2016

How to Make Healthy Creamed Spinach and Simply Seared Scallops For Kids

One of my most memorable gifts was a transformer set I received for my birthday. I remember seeing the set in Toys R Us and begging my mom for it. It had a big rig that could transform into a missile launcher. The big rig carried a yellow sports car that could transform into an airplane. On the day of my birthday, I was thrilled to unwrap my present even though I already knew the contents of the package. I loved that transformer. I loved it so much I kept it and handed it down to Colin. It is now one of his favorite toys.

Thanks to the generosity of one of our friends, Cassie and I received a four week trial to Blue Apron. We returned home on a Thursday evening and found a large package waiting for us on our doorstep. Even though we had selected our meals in advance, I was still excited and curious to open the package. I tore into the package like it was my birthday. In fact, the Blue Apron trial was actually a present for Cassie's birthday, but that's besides the point.

This is how I would describe my Blue Apron experience:


  • Deliciously tasty meals
  • Fresh, high quality ingredients
  • Nice packaging, labeling, and organization
  • Easy to follow recipe cards
  • Reasonably affordable
  • Simple flavors from salt, acid, spices, and fresh herbs
  • Innovative use of ingredients with novel recipes


  • You still have to do the work--peeling, chopping, and cooking
  • Meals come at the end of the work week
  • Meals may be high in glycemic index and saturated fat--several of my meals incorporated flour and butter for instance. 

All in all, my experience with Blue Apron was quite favorable. Perhaps the greatest value in Blue Apron is it makes cooking and learning about food fun. Their packages include a card highlighting interesting factoids about the ingredients in their meals. I learned some nifty flavor combinations like cashews and rice. I also made food I never would have otherwise made, like homemade empanadas. My family learned we are fans of creamed spinach and simply seared scallops.

But the most important message from Blue Apron is anyone can cook. Michael Pollan laments how cooking has become a lost art form. Cooking is a uniquely human activity. Sadly, so many of us have lost our culinary sensibilities due to the demands of work and life in general. Blue Apron invites us all to don our blue aprons, and once again learn the joy of cooking.

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