Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How to Cook Healthy Food For Kids : Why I Love My Instant Pot

Roses are red. 
Violets are blue. 
Let me count the ways, 
that I love you.

You a wonderful slow cooker,
that takes the work out of cooking.
You have a shiny exterior,
which makes you good looking.

Slow cooker, pressure cooker, and steamer
all in one,
your multi-function capability 
makes cooking so fun.  

Just press your button
and I'm out the door. 
You even have a timer, 
which I absolutely adore!

When I come home from work, 
a meal is waiting for me. 
Cooked to perfection, 
and oh so tasty!

Stews, braises
soups galore!
Try making this pinto bean dish. 
What are you waiting for?

Happy Valentines Day!  Check out this romantic short film of a man who falls in love with his own instant pot: http://youtu.be/Q0JMebo0xEQ

1 comment:

  1. Yeah it is true that it’s really a tough task for a working women like what to cook for their kids. Well, now I have a solution for this, as I have started following some online cooking videos, and I try only quick recipes which takes just few minutes to cook. Now my kids eat everything which I make for them.
