Friday, November 7, 2014

How to Cook Healthy Food for Kids : Use Fun Characters to Get Kids to Eat Salad


The other day, we went out with some friends for dinner.  Our friends are raising their son to be a vegetarian.  The waiter served their son a green salad, and he dove right in.  I was dumbfounded.  Typically, if there are any raw greens in a dish, Colin will quickly spot them and comment, "I don't like crunchy."

Green salads are some of the most challenging foods to get kids to eat.  One of the reasons kids don't like salads is they are turned off by the crunchy texture of raw vegetables and greens.  However, believe it or not, your kid has already developed a preference for some raw foods.  Most kids I know don't need any convincing to chomp down on fruit, which is typically served raw.

So, I decided to prepare my kids a chicken salad with a secret ingredient…fruit.  Using fruit such as apples or dried cranberries is a wholesome way to sweeten up your dishes and get your kids to eat their salads.  In addition to fruit, I had one more trick up my sleeve…the Cooking Monster.  Take a look at this colorful character in the following video:

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