Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to Cook Healthy Food for Kids : What to cook for mom on mother's day

 Mom Was There

Crying, kicking, screaming. 
Mom was there.
Double nose bleeding. 
Mom was there. 
"The greatest show on earth!"
Mom was there. 
"The happiest place on earth!"
Mom was there.
Graduate and go conquer the world!
Mom was there. 
The world was such a blur. 
Mom was there. 
There's another woman in my life. 
Mom was there. 
I'm making her my wife. 
Mom was there. 
Babies crying, kicking, screaming.
Thank goodness mom is still here.

My mom is an incredible woman.  She started out in pediatrics, then did an internship in physical medicine and rehabilitation, had my brother and me, then completed a residency in internal medicine, worked for several years in emergency medicine, and then finished her career as an internist taking care of U.S. veterans.

I was always proud of the fact that my mom was a working professional.  I remember being particularly proud of her during career week at my elementary school.  Every day featured one father after another going on and on about their boring profession.  And then, on the last day of career week, my teacher announced that she was happy to present a female parent for career week.  It was my mom!  My heart swelled with pride.

Despite having a busy career, my mom always made family a priority.  She was always there.  Although she never really enjoyed cooking, she managed to make sure we got vegetables on the table every day.  Perhaps that is why I have always enjoyed simply cooked vegetables.   For Mother's Day, I am featuring a classic home cooked dish with napa cabbage, just like mom used to make.

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