Monday, February 24, 2014

How to Cook Healthy Food for Kids : The Best Healthy Recipes

We all know that food is related to health.  There are things that most of us assume we shouldn't eat or that we should at least limit.  On the other hand, there are things like a seemingly healthy slice of bread, that I have argued is unhealthy:

I draw my conclusions about what foods should be considered healthy versus unhealthy based on looking at data from studies that use the best available statistical methodology.  And while I find the empirical evidence to be particularly persuasive to me as a practicing physician, I know that the strongest public message comes from personal experience and personal relationships.

For instance, you may have a close friend or relative that has been afflicted with cancer and no matter what the population data shows, that personal experience will always stand out in your mind.  Likewise, although I have always known that food is related to health, I have developed a much deeper respect for this relationship over the past two years due to my personal clinical experience with weight management.  By helping patients take out sugars, processed foods, and other bad carbohydrates from their diet, I have witnessed the intimate relationship between food and health.  Ultimately, I became a great believer in food as medicine and I felt compelled to share that with others through this blog. 

When I started this blog over half a year ago, I knew that I had information that I was excited to share, but I was hesitant about my ability to share that information.  I quickly realized that while food studies excite me, most people are less excited about studies and more excited about food.  But could I translate what I was reading into real practical cooking tips for the average parent?  I have no background in culinary education.  In fact, prior to starting this blog, cooking was a bit of a foreign experience to me.  Previously, the meals that I did cook were less notable for the impression they left behind and more notable for the chaotic mess I left behind in the kitchen.  Although I was nervous about my qualifications to write a healthy cooking blog, I realized that my very naivete demanded that I do so.  If I could attempt to cook healthy for my kids, then so could you.

As Doctor Chris Ko, I am passionate about health and medicine, but the passion that drives Cooking For Your Kids is my relationship with my kids and my opportunity to speak from one parent to another.  If you have followed my blog all along, popped in for the first time, or popped in from time to time, I appreciate your time and I sincerely hope that you have learned a few things that will positively impact your health and the health of your kids.  

In the following clip, I highlight some of my most popular videos and give thanks to my readers and subscribers in the first annual OsKo awards.

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