Sunday, September 29, 2013

How to Cook Healthy Food for Kids : Cauliflower Rice Recipe

Abracadabra!  Wait.  Nothing happened.  I once took a course in college on religion and magic.  I fell asleep during the lecture and when I awoke, it was magically over.  For most adults, magic is inevitably disappointing.  I think it has to do with a pragmatic inability to suspend disbelief.  Kids, on the other hand eat the stuff up.  Kids have yet to develop a sense of healthy skepticism and are better able to embrace the art of illusion.  Now you have it.  Now you don't!  Woah!  That ability to allow one's mind to be seduced by illusion can create a fantastic experience of amusement and awe.

As a parent, you can tap into your child's wonderment by becoming a food illusionist.  Some foods like vegetables, are eschewed by kids when presented in their natural form.  However, if you employ some clever manipulation, you can get your kids to eat their vegetables and open them up to a fantastic and new experience.

Cauliflower is not only a great source of vitamins and minerals, but it is also a versatile vegetable that can be transformed in multiple ways.  As the following link demonstrates, cauliflower can be disguised as a soup, puree, or even a pseudo grain.

In the following video clip, I demonstrate how you can transform cauliflower into rice and become a food illusionist.  Considering that most rice is high in glycemic index, substituting cauliflower for rice is not only a healthy substitution, it is also a great way to encourage your kids to eat their vegetables.  Your kids won't believe their eyes...or their mouths!   

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Many thanks to my cousin Elissa Huang for introducing this recipe to me, which can be found at the following link:
If you have recipes you recommend for kids or want me to feature, just post your ideas and links in my comments section.

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